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5 Guardians to Keep an Eye On Your Mental Health

5 guardians to keep an eye on your mental health

Discover the top 5 guardians to keep an eye on your mental health and stay on top of your well-being. Learn how to prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy mind with this essential guide." It's been an exciting week. I learned more, I wrote more, and the best part? I spent a lot more time interacting with my audience.

The following are five guardians to keep an eye on your mental health.

Because of my experience over the past two years, I've realized that doing something on a daily basis, even if it's your passion, is difficult. Every time you set out to complete a task, your mind, body, and soul should be present. and every now and then, all three simply refuse to work together. You scold and force them, but they are obstinate as hell. The majority of the time, you can easily treat your body and prepare it for work. But what comes to mind is something entirely different.

So many undesirable thoughts, negative emotional states, discouragement, hopelessness, and distractions are already waiting to strike when the opportunity arises. I was irritable most of the time when I first started out as a dentist and content creator. However, as I gained experience managing two jobs, these minor changes in my daily routine had a significant positive impact on my mental health.

Start exercising and meditating.

When it comes to mental health, I know it's an obvious topic. However, its effectiveness is far greater. Even before I had two jobs, I was working out at home nearly every day. However, as I incorporated meditation into my daily routine, the game changed dramatically. I don't want to waste your time going over the same medical benefits of meditation and exercise.

Organizational Structures

Today, due to increased competition in every field, no matter what type of job or business you have, it is bound to be hectic. In our race to be more efficient than our competitors, we frequently overlook the way we work! Yes! Our mental peace is greatly influenced by how we work! You need an effective system for each aspect of your work, whether it's your office desk, your cabin, your sales calls, and so on. Small physical planners to plan your monthly tasks, small to-do lists to list down work goals for the day, specific hours for client calls, work reviews, and so on are some examples. Find a way to make it easier to work. These compact systems will greatly assist you in remaining consistent with the quality of your work, regardless of how you are feeling.

Shamanic traditions

When it comes to maintaining our mental health, prayers are the most underappreciated. Our hectic lifestyles have unknowingly weakened our spiritual connection, resulting in moodiness. But the truth is that prayer is the most effective way to achieve inner peace. Although it's a cliche, medical professionals and scientists have realized the significance of transcendentalism in lowering everyday nervousness.
Even if a few of us do not hold that belief, there is no harm in praying or staying in one place with our eyes closed once in a while for our psychological health.

mental health

Habits of Health

I just use the term "health and well-being habits" in a broad sense, not just in the context of healthy eating habits. Your health is determined not only by your physical appearance but also by your thoughts and beliefs. As James Clear correctly states in his book, 'Atomic Habits,' The change should begin in your mind, in your thoughts. There is no hope for good mental health if you are not content with yourself!

Accept yourself completely and watch the difference.

Spending Time with Family

We spend a negligible amount of time with our family and friends because there are thousands of career opportunities and competitive fields all over the world. To be honest, no amount of money can buy the happiness that comes from spending a few blissful moments with our loved ones. Family is an excellent place to unwind after a long day at work.
Make a point of spending weekends with family and friends. It's a great way to improve your mental health. When I purposefully incorporated these five elements into my daily routine, managing my two jobs became easier and less stressful. I hope they reciprocate for you.

That's all there is to it for this week.

Continue to be happy and healthy.

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